Oral History

Preserving Your Family Stories

How would you like to hear your grandmother or your parent speaking or laughing again? Do you think your children, grandchildren and those who come after would love to hear your voice, laugh, and language? Would they like to hear you telling your stories?

Pass down your life stories, your first hand historical knowledge from you to your future. Or would you like to preserve the stories of your parents or children in their own voices?

With our Oral History service we can help create your very own memories.

We have the technological tools, knowledge, and expertise. You have the stories. We will conduct the interviews, ask the right questions, gather the information. Then we prepare the final product. Your family history is preserved in attractive video, audio, and print packaging. Cherished memories are recorded and stored safely, saved from loss. They can be used to confirm and safeguard ancestral names and event dates. Important and endearing stories are protected in a shareable format.

Free Consultation:

Start now with a free consultation. Contact us to schedule your free consultation. You can also call us at (774) 332-6459.